次元狗 - 动漫资源下载

【PC】《When the past was around》阿里云下载

游戏 long龙 -
中文名: 往事 开发: Mojiken Studio 发行: Toge Productions 别名: 当过去就在眼前 当过去萦绕身旁 平台: PC 游戏类型: AVG 游戏引擎: Unity 游玩人数: 1 发行日期: 2020-09-22 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164050/__When_the_Past_Was_Around/

When the Past was Around is an adventure point-and-click puzzle, tells a bittersweet tale between a girl and the owl in a surreal world consisting of disjointed rooms from memories and time. With each clues gathered, puzzles solved, and doors unlocked, the girl will find her way, unraveling the secrets between her and the owl, the secrets which she used to know.

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  • 本作品是由 次元狗 会员 long龙 的搬运作品。
  • 来源:不详,作者:不详
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